General Information:
Strategic approach:
Strategic approach: What was the overall context?
From school to online school.
From school to home school.
From rational food choices to emotional food choices.

In 2020, with the emergence of the pandemic context, the educational system was forced to reinvent the usual teaching system. Thus, during this year, teachers encountered a major problem in using online means to teach classes, and students encountered a lack of empathy. The technical problems encountered by the teachers made it difficult to teach and transmit the information, and these aspects triggered among the students a lack of interest and attention for the courses.
Moreover, beyond the negative emotions generated among students, food education has been forgotten by the Romanian education system, given the change in eating habits. The time spent at home and the lack of group interaction in an actual class induced the formation of emotional eating habits.

What was the strategic business and marketing challenge?

Until 2020, Mega Image ran a food education program in Romanian schools. This program has become, over time, appreciated both by teachers and by students and their parents.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the challenge for Mega Image has been to stay close to this audience, but in a form adapted to context, continuing the mission of the sustainability platform "One step further", and fulfilling the main directions of Mega Image's sustainability strategy.
A study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC), shows that the transition from face-to-face teaching to online schooling has not led to a significant increase in digital devices in students' families. The study shows that students spend more than seven hours on the Internet, almost double the time spent on the Internet just for school.

We analyzed both the time spent by students in the online environment and their reaction to the online classes. And so, we found the common ground to transmit Mega Image’s message in this difficult context, but in the manner that would appeal to our main audience.

The strategy behind the campaign aimed for a friendly, interactive approach that changed the rules of the game, in an online environment that became hated, but at the same time a refuge for young students.

Who was the target audience?

We approached the main audience from two essential perspectives in the development of the project.
A. Parents and teachers, to encourage them to promote the project to children aged 6 to 14 (estimated)
B. Children, in order to promote the actions presented in each show and to convince them to assimilate the information, but with a tone of voice different from their online classes.

What were the creative and media strategies?

In order to attract the public's attention to the project, we reinterpreted how online school is carried out.

Phase 1:
The project took place exclusively online, on a dedicated platform, for 3 months and 5 editions broadcast live. In the 5 editions, we brought to the forefront the following factors:
The space that shaped the story - the kitchen - became a familiar place for the public.
2 presenters, relevant to the public, outlined the mission of the project. Thus, through their presence, we extended the area of project promotion, with dedicated communication in their communities.

Phase 2: The editions were published in the YouTube account of Mega Image, becoming educational content accessible to a wide audience. Thus, through this type of content, we generated media campaigns, in order to convey the message of the campaign for a long period of time.

What were the overall campaign objectives based on the situation outlined?

Objectives of the project:
Awareness - through the essential information provided in order to bring food education back into the discussion topics of the target audience.
Engagement - through the structure of the project, in which we integrated the competition component with attractive prizes.
Interaction - through time spent by the public engaged in the campaign.
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