Discovered in early stages, breast cancer is more than 90% treatable and information,
self-examination and specialty investigations can make a difference. This is why MedLife, the
leading private medical service provider in Romania, launched an awareness and screening
campaign, so that women should have a second chance to find out they’re healthy.

We created a Landing Page in which women could find useful information concerning breast
cancer, as well as the best way to prevent, discover and treat it. Users also had the possibility
to schedule an appointment with a renown MedLife medical team directly on the website, through a simple form. To support the Landing Page we launched a complex Google Advertising campaign, that included Search, Display and Remarketing (Search & Display).

Campaign period: October 17 - November 7
General Information:
Strategy: The main goals of the advertising campaign were to deliver the MedLife message to as many Romanian women as possible and to persuade them to be proactive when it comes to keeping a close eye on their well-being and health.


- Awareness
- Lead generation

Women, 25+
Video Link: